Thursday, November 15, 2007

Perfect weather for...

Now that the Fall is officially here not only in name, but also in terms of weather, a simple, easy meal is in order. The picture above was taken today 11.15.07. This is part of the view from our deck of our backyard. I love that little birds nest high up in the bare branches...

Kale Potato Soup

Choose clean, full leafed kale, break apart and wash. Place in water or stock...add a few tablespoons of olive oil.

Wash and cut several potatos into large chunks, skin on. Add to cooking kale in your pot.

Some people use chicken/beef stock for the liquid base. I've done that, but this time chose not to.

Some spices/additional ingredients to add include if desired:
black pepper
red pepper flakes
tamari or soy sauce
bay leaf

So nutritious on so many levels...